
10 Things We Love About Asia in Animal Kingdom at Disney World

8 – UP! A Great Bird Adventure

This show is for the birds! Seriously, and we’re wild for it! Senior Wilderness Explorer Russell and his furry pal Dug from Disney•Pixar’s animated hit film UP join bird experts on a new adventure featuring encounters with birds from around the world. UP! A Great Bird Adventure replaces Flights of Wonder and provides a nice upgrade that should make the show more engaging for younger visitor. The birds perform tricks and beautiful flights for the two hosts who aim, along with Up stars Russell and Doug, to teach guests about the importance of conservation and preservation.UP! A Great Bird Adventure is truly an amazing show that can’t be missed in Disney’s Animal Kingdom!


Lauren lives in Hamilton Ontario, but dreams of one day moving to Orlando to be closer to the Magic Kingdom. In the meantime, she spends her days working for the family business as a barista and baker, being active in the independent theatre scene in Hamilton and working part-time as a professional personal assistant to a writer. Lauren’s most memorable Disney moment is by far when she became engaged in front of Cinderella’s Castle making it her best Disney vacation to date.
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